Champion Presa Females
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Here are some of our girls!!!

pictured Below are  Are Some of our Champion females We love our girls,hope you do also. Make sure you go all the way to the right there are 3 pictures per line.

Ch SS G'karl of Tall Oak's Produced 6 champion Presas

Ch Tall Oak's Kay-Cee

Ch Tall Oak's Karma Sire Is Ch Tall Oak's Magnum PI and Dam Ch Tall Oak's Nakomis

Ch Tall Oak's Kenya Sire Ch Tall Oak's Magnum PI & Dam Ch Tall Oak's Nakomis

Ch Tall Oak's Hotti Totti Sire Ch Tall Oak's Magnum PI Dam AKCM Paris Of Tall Oaks

Spirit is retired and lovin life.

Ch Tall oaks Chandra finished Championship 9months of age SS Arcan Daughter and Ch Tall Oaks Nakomis Daughter

Ch Tall Oak's Kenya

Ch Tall Oak's Chandra pictured at 2 years old

Ch Tall Oak's Lakota

Ch Tall Oak's Lakota Winner's bitch 2007 UPPCC National Specialty

Ch. Tall Oak's Lakota is a litter sister to Ch. Tall Oak's Grimaldo

Ch. Tall Oak's Brianna finished championship 8 months pictured 10 months 2 legs towards grand ch.

Ch Tall Oak's Latifiah

Ch Tall Oak's Brianna

Ch. Tall oak's Nakomis litter sister to Gr. Ch Tall Oak's mankato

Ch. Tall Oaks Nakomis OFA certified Dam of Ch. Tall Oaks Cyrus and Ch. Tall oak's Chandra

Blanca Grancan de Molinero soon to be shown 6 months in picture

Ch. Tall Oak's Sock it to Me

Ch. Tall Oaks Sock it to Me her Sire is SS Arcan

Ch Tall oaks Sock it to me

Ch,Tall Oak's Latifiah owner Beverly & William Shupe

Ch Tall Oaks Latifiah she's a great bitch Sire Grand Ch Tall Oak's Mankato & Dam SS G'Karla of Tall Oaks

Ch,Tall Oak's Kay Cee Sire Grand Ch Tall Oak's Cyrus & Dam Ch Above Par's Margo Rules of Tall Oaks

Ch Tall Oak's Shabon Sire Grand Ch Tall Oak's Cyrus & Dam Ch Above Par's Margo Rules of Tall Oaks

Ch Above Par's Margo Rules of Tall Oaks

Ch Above Par's Margo Rules of Tall Oaks is a litter sister to Gr Ch Above Par's Magnus of Tall Oaks

Ch.Tall Oak's Jessie's Girl Sire Gr. Ch Above Par's Magnus & dam Ranger Nora B of Tall Oak's

Ch. Tall Oaks Justic For All

Ch Tall Oaks Justic For All is the Sister to Jessie out of Nora and GR CH Above par's Magnus

Hope you like the Girls!